2013年1月29日 星期二
2013年1月23日 星期三
Plasma renin activity (PRA)
PRA is sometimes measured, specially in case of certain diseases which present with hypertension or hypotension and in certain tumors.
Unit | Lower limit | Upper limit |
ng/(mL*hour) | 0.29, 1.9 | 3.7 |
μIU/mL | 3.3, 21 | 4 |
Lower-than-normal levels may indicate:
Disease | Brief Description |
ADH therapy | Leads to water retention and thus raised blood pressure. |
Salt-retaining steroid therapy | see above |
Salt-sensitive essential hypertension | see above |
Primary Hyperaldosteronsim | see above and direct inhibition of aldosteron on renin secretion |
Higher-than-normal levels may indicate:
Disease | Brief Description |
Addison's disease | Kidneys trying to counter low aldosterone output. |
Cirrhosis of the liver | Reduced breakdown of Angiotensin. |
Essential hypertension | Just more of renin is being secreted by the kidneys. |
Hemorrhage (bleeding) | Kidneys trying to raise falling blood pressure. |
Hypokalemia | Kidneys trying to raise falling blood pressure due to reduced cardiac output. |
Malignant hypertension | Excessive renin is being secreted by the kidneys. |
Renin-producing renaltumors | Tumors can secrete substances like this. See tumor markers |
Renovascular hypertension | Renal vascular damage leading to reduced JGA perfusion. |
2013年1月3日 星期四
anaplastic thyroid carcinoma
Large tumour with relatively sharp borders and central necrosis, displacing the trachea and esophagus. Path proven anaplastic thyroid carcinoma.
Patient Data:
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Kallmann syndrome MRI
Single coronal T2 image through the frontal lobes demonstrates abnormal anatomy with absence of the olfactory bulbs and olfactory sulcus. The gyrus rectus and medial orbital gyrus form a single gyrus.
It is easiest to appreciate the anatomical anomalies present in Kallman syndrome by comparing it to a normal patient. The normal anatomy of the region consists of the olfactory bulbs (blue arrows) located in the olfactory grooves of the anterior cranial fossa. The inferior surface of the frontal lobes usually consists gyrus rectus (aka straight gyrus) (R) separated from the medial orbital gyrus (M) by the olfactory sulcus (yellow arrow). These are absent in Kallman syndrome.
2013年1月2日 星期三
Turner's syndrome
症狀 | 發生率 |
身材矮小 | 100 |
卵巢發育不良 | >90 |
手腳水腫:初生嬰兒在手腳背面常有淋巴性水腫,會持續數月後逐漸消退。但很有可能再度發生。 | >80 |
漏斗胸,或乳頭發育不良,或內陷 | >80 |
低位耳及耳廓異常 | >80 |
上顎骨狹小 | >80 |
下巴狹小:下巴縮短與牙齒發育缺陷,常有咬合不正的問題。 | >70 |
眼內贅皮 | >40 |
短頸,合併低後頸髮線 | >80 |
蹼狀頸 | 50 |
肘外翻,或其他的肘變形 | >70 |
膝異常,例如脛骨增生(tibial exostosis) | >60 |
指甲形狀異常:如湯匙型內凹或發育不良。 | >70 |
手掌掌骨過短(通常第四指最明顯) | >50 |
色素痣,一般是良性的。會隨著年齡增加而有增加的趨勢。處理多著重於美觀方面,或者因突起而與衣服摩擦時建議切除。 | >50 |
不正常手紋 | >40 |
心臟畸形:雙葉主動脈辦、主動脈狹窄、主動脈瓣狹窄、左心畸形、僧帽瓣脫垂、主動脈剝離(極少)。必須注意細菌性心內膜炎的預防。 | >20 |
腎臟異常:馬蹄腎、腎盂或輸尿管異常、腎異位或血管異常 | >60 |
中樞神經系統:聽覺障礙 | >50 |
Noonan syndrome
A 12-year-old female with Noonan syndrome. Typical webbed neck. Double structural curve with rib deformity.
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