2013年1月23日 星期三

Plasma renin activity (PRA)

PRA is sometimes measured, specially in case of certain diseases which present with hypertension or hypotension and in certain tumors.
UnitLower limitUpper limit
ng/(mL*hour)0.29, 1.93.7
μIU/mL3.3, 214

Lower-than-normal levels may indicate:
DiseaseBrief Description
ADH therapyLeads to water retention and thus raised blood pressure.
Salt-retaining steroid therapysee above
Salt-sensitive essential hypertensionsee above
Primary Hyperaldosteronsimsee above and direct inhibition of aldosteron on renin secretion

Higher-than-normal levels may indicate:
DiseaseBrief Description
Addison's diseaseKidneys trying to counter low aldosterone output.
Cirrhosis of the liverReduced breakdown of Angiotensin.
Essential hypertensionJust more of renin is being secreted by the kidneys.
Hemorrhage (bleeding)Kidneys trying to raise falling blood pressure.
HypokalemiaKidneys trying to raise falling blood pressure due to reduced cardiac output.
Malignant hypertensionExcessive renin is being secreted by the kidneys.
Renin-producing renaltumorsTumors can secrete substances like this. See tumor markers
Renovascular hypertensionRenal vascular damage leading to reduced JGA perfusion.

